
Where To Go On The First Date With A Guy? from Julia Porter's blog

Coffee Shops

Almost every time pick-up lines involve getting coffee or drinks. Drinks aside, talking over coffee is the easiest way to know a person. The coffee can be stimulating and helps us to be very involved in the chatting and focus on what he is saying. This can be a very casual encounter where superficial stuff is discussed but it is a start. Coffee shops are one of the best places to talk.

Most coffee shops provide the perfect ambience for connecting with people. It definitely feels nice to sit and chat with someone with a cup of coffee in your hand and the urge to know him more.


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Sasha Free
Apr 7 '2021, 6:13 AM
Girl you're definitely reading my mind! Love your blogs!
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By Julia Porter
Added Apr 7 '2021, 5:22 AM



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