
Build up your confidence | Forum

Tony Miller VIP
Tony Miller May 3 '2021, 3:34 AM
When interacting with someone, it is important that you are yourself and do not feel the need to behave like someone else to be accepted by your crush. It is justified for you to feel self conscious around them. You may also feel like presenting yourself in the most impressive way you can think to, just in order to impress them. However, this is not recommended. You should try to be yourself to the best of your capabilities and your crush may accept or reject you for the way you are. In fact, they may even be more attracted to you if they see you being confident in your own skin.


Will Morris Free
Will Morris May 21 '2021, 5:29 AM
When you’re in the throes of passion, you might feel like you’d do absolutely anything for the person you love. But in the long run, changing (or trying to change) who you are will spell nothing but trouble if the change isn’t authentic and natural.
Tom Jones Free
Tom Jones May 21 '2021, 5:30 AM
Remember - never try to change your personality for your lover.. There will be no happy ending to this!
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